Does Manteca Need More Parks and Open Spaces?

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“Manteca’s parks and open spaces are gathering places where people come together for birthdays and cultural events and to experience peace,” said Brandy Clark.
“Manteca’s parks and open spaces are gathering places where people come together for birthdays and cultural events and to experience peace,” said Brandy Clark.

MANTECA CALIF. — Does the City of Manteca need new parks and open spaces?  “The importance of preserving and maintaining parks, green spaces, and natural areas in the community is paramount,” says Manteca City Manager Toni Lundgren.  “We need to protect these resources so that residents have access to recreational areas that promote health, well-being, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.”

“And, with the population growth we’ve seen in recent years, we are going to need more,” Brandy, Clark Manteca’s Recreation and Community Services Manager stresses. According to Clark, Manteca needs open space for families to connect to nature and exercise, as well as relax.  During COVID-19, the use of public parks increased as Manteca residents discovered how much they need them; parks and open spaces are key to maintaining physical and emotional health.

Open spaces are not just empty areas, Clark explains.  “Open spaces provide critical green infrastructure benefits, such as helping to mitigate climate change, alleviate floods, and maintain ecosystem services.  Public spaces can help catalyze equitable economic opportunity in cities and neighborhoods while reducing costs due to issues from health care to climate change.  Clark points to a UN-Habitat study that showed that every $1 spent on park maintenance in Philadelphia generated nearly $100 in economic value.

“Manteca’s parks and open spaces are gathering places where people come together for birthdays and cultural events and to experience peace,” Clark continues. “We need to reserve places for new parks; we need more large spaces for community parks.  Our growing population means we need more land for parks and recreation.  We need large community parks in different areas of town; not just neighborhood parks. We have to plan for the future to deliver what the community wants and needs.”

Brandy Clark, Recreation and Community Services Manager
Brandy Clark, Recreation and Community Services Manager

“Recreation and Community Services is looking for volunteers to coach and help our children have fun and improve,” adds Clark.  “If you can volunteer, please call (209) 456-8600.”

About the City of Manteca

Manteca is a full-service City with police, fire, public works, water, trash and sewer services. For more information call the City Manager’s office at (209) 456-8000, email, or go online to

Incorporated in 1918, Manteca has a diverse population of 88,772. Manteca grew at 24.4 percent from 2010-2020 and continues to grow at an accelerated pace. The City has 28,454 households with a median home price of $500,017. The median annual household income is $90,640.

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