MANTECA, CA. — Manteca City Council and City Manager Toni Lundgren are committed to keeping our City streets clean and safe. To keep that commitment the City has contracted with Manteca Property Services (“MPS”) to clean-up trash piles on the streets and lots Citywide. “In addition to the routine removal of trash and debris from streets and public spaces, MPS will extend its efforts to provide support in cleaning up the surroundings of homeless encampments,” said Vielka Guarascio, Management Analyst, Office of the City Manager – Housing and Homeless Division.
The clean-ups happen Citywide Monday through Friday. In addition, Manteca Property Services clean-up the State Highway property on the 120 and 99 Tuesday – Thursday.
More specifically, Manteca Property Services takes care of Manteca’s sidewalks, parks, bike paths, alleys, and homeless encampments. The City police department will post a 72-hour notice of clean-up before items are removed from homeless encampments. Police officers Mike Kelly and Matthew Smith from Manteca’s Police Department Outreach Team will contact the inhabitants and offer them shelter at the City’s Homeless Shelter at 555 Industrial Park Drive, Guarascio explains.
Additional outreach to the homeless is done by Community Medical Centers, The Salvation Army, His Way Recovery, PREVAIL, Love Inc., Crossroads Grace Church and Calvary Church, which are held every other Tuesday”.
“Manteca Property Services also works with Officers Mike Kelly and Matthew Smith to clean-up piles of trash dumps, abandoned furniture, debris, etc. through Government Outreach Requests received by residents,” Guarascio continues.
“If you are living unhoused, or at risk of becoming unhoused, please call (209) 456-8556; we can assist in connecting you with accessible resources and supportive services,” Guarascio concluded.
If you see trash on our streets, call the City Manager’s office at (209) 456-8000, email, or go online to
An example of trash on Manteca’s streets. This is Before…
Manteca is a full-service City with police, fire, public works, water, trash and sewer services. For more information, call the City Manager’s office at (209) 456-8000, email:, or go online to
Incorporated in 1918, Manteca has a diverse population of 88,772. Manteca grew at 24.4 percent from 2010-2020 and continues to grow at an accelerated pace. The City has 28,454 households with a median home price of $500,017. The median annual household income is $90,640.