“We are thrilled to announce that the Manteca Police Department will be expanding by five new officers,” said City Manager Toni Lundgren.
“With Manteca’s population growing at an accelerated pace of 24.4 percent from 2010-2020, we recognize the need for additional officers to ensure the safety and security of our community,” said City Manager Toni Lundgren
Manteca, Calif. The City of Manteca is a winner! “On behalf of United States Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, it is my pleasure to inform you the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (the COPS Office) has approved the application submitted by the City of Manteca for the 2023 FY23 COPS Hiring Program. The approved award amount is $625,000 for five new police officers” said Hugh Clements, COPS Director, Office for Civil Rights United States Department of Justice.
“We are thrilled to announce that the Manteca Police Department will be expanding by five officers,” said City Manager Toni Lundgren. “With Manteca’s population growing at an accelerated pace of 24.4 percent from 2010-2020, we recognize the need for additional officers to ensure the safety and security of our community. This grant provides us with the necessary funds to commence the expansion of our Police Department.”
“Thank you Ninth District Congressional Representative Josh Harder for supporting these grant funds,” said Manteca Mayor Gary Sing.
“We are thrilled to announce that the Manteca Police Department will be expanding by five officers,” said City Manager Toni Lundgren. From left to right: City Manager Toni Lundgren, Police Chief Stephen Schluer, Mayor Gary Singh and Fire Chief David Marques.
There are currently 78 officers in the Police Department’s budget. Of those, 76 are on the job with another two in the process of being hired. The plan is to hire two of the five officers this year, one in 2025 and the other two in 2026.
The COPS Hiring Program (CHP) is a competitive award program designed by the Department of Justice to provide funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire additional career law enforcement officers to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts.
Manteca Police Chief Stephen Schluer said the CHP award will put five new police officers on the street. The Department also will increase involvement in community policing, and community partnerships, and allow him to implement changes to personnel and Department management that support community policing.
“We continue to seek additional funding to grow our Police department to meet the needs of our growing City,” declared Manteca Police Chief Stephen Schluer.
“These five new officers are permanent additions to Manteca’s Police force totaling 83 by 2026 and we plan to add more officers in the future,” explained Chief Schluer.
The COPS Grant funds the officers for 36 months and the City is required to maintain the positions for an additional 12 months. This is in addition to the number of locally funded sworn officer positions that would have been available had the award not been granted.
“We continue to seek additional funding to grow our Police department to meet the needs of our growing City,” declared Chief Schluer.
The COPS Hiring Program award requires the City to contribute a match of 72.5 percent of the award. The local match must be a cash match from funds not previously budgeted for law enforcement purposes and must be paid during the award period. The match must be made on an increasing basis during each year of the three-year award period, with the federal share decreasing accordingly. Total cost is projected at $2,252,385 with the DOJ contributing $625,000 and the City contributing $1,627,385 from Measure M reserves and general fund vacancy surplus funds.
Manteca will maintain the positions of the five newly hired officers for at least 12 months after the completion of 36 months of federal funding. This is in addition to the number of locally funded sworn officer positions that would have been available had the award not been granted.
There are currently 78 officers in the Police Department’s budget. Of those, 76 are on the job with another two in the process of being hired. The plan is to hire two of the five officers this year, one in 2025 and the other two in 2026.
Manteca is a full-service City with police, fire, public works, water, trash and sewer services. For more information, call the City Manager’s office at (209) 456-8000, email: Feedback@manteca.gov, or go to https://www.manteca.gov.
Incorporated in 1918, Manteca has a diverse population of 86,928. Manteca grew at 24.4 percent from 2010-2020 and continues to grow at an accelerated pace. The City has 25,670 households with a median home price of $432,100. The median annual household income is $82,538.